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Doug Nellans


The Insurancenter


Patrick Asselin


CHI Insurance Agency, Inc.


Jeffrey Brogan

Chief Technology Officer

Plexus Groupe LLC

Survey on Trends in Provider Data Management 2023

1 of 12. Gartner states that establishing a provider data “source of truth” by closing data gaps is a top challenge for U.S. payer organizations. Do you agree?*

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
2 of 12. What best describes your role in Provider Data Management initiatives within your Payer organization?
3 of 12. Which of the following Provider Network Management areas are you involved in? (Select all that apply)
4 of 12. How confident are you in your current Provider Data accuracy levels?

6 of 12. In the year 2021-2022 CMS audit top healthcare sponsors faced Civil Money Penalties of $60,000 (on average). How would you rate your organization’s readiness for a CMS audit?*

Low PreparednessBasic PreparednessSomewhat PreparedPlanned and FunctionReady to go
7 of 12. How does your organization handle provider directory fulfillment?

8 of 12. Improving provider data quality is a top priority for my organization in 2023

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
9 of 12. Which Provider Network Management (PNM) platform do you currently use?
10 of 12. What are the key drivers which influence your investments in Provider Data Management? (Select all that apply)
11 of 12. Do you have any timeframes in mind for implementing Provider Data Attestation and Accuracy initiatives?
12 of 12. Are you currently evaluating your Provider Network Management (PNM) plan?

This survey is sponsored by


Recognized by


Atlas' Clients



Schedule a 20-min Discovery Call with our sponsor: Atlas Systems is a Gartner-recognized leader in Provider Directory Data Verification solutions. Their PRIME platform provides Provider Data Accuracy and Validation Services for Health Plans to navigate complex regulations and corresponding audits.

(Please choose a date and time within the next week, Monday – Friday, 9AM – 5PM ET)

Eastern Time

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